I hope everyone had a great holiday and is ready for a great New Year. I wanted to share a sculpt I have been working on between projects. It's a tribute to one of my favorite monsters created by the master
Ray Harryhausen. I put my own spin on the Cyclops but wanted to still capture that same classic feeling. I'm currently working on a render and will post it soon, until then I hope this inspires you to watch some classic monster and adventure films.

Also,a new quarter is also starting up as well. Here is some info on the classes I will be teaching.
Starting January 23 I will be teaching an Intro to Z-Brush at
Studio Arts.
I will also be teaching a Z-Brush Character and Creature design class at
The Concept Design Academy starting February 6.

If you have questions about the classes, feel free to e-mail me at sculptor@bryanwynia.com. Thanks as always and best of luck in the New Year!
Wow, really awesome! The cyclops really fits his style, I hope the upcoming Clash of the Titans remake has this same approach to redesigning his creatures. I am super impressed with the teaching gigs. You are sure to inspire tons of more artists.
Happy New Year!!
Yeah, I can't wait to get out there. It's gonna be so awesome, just gotta keep applying.
Crazy awesome Zbrush stuff- Id love to take one of your classes!!
Amazing work man, congratulations!!!
nice head sculpt.
i wish there were classes like that in northern california. i'd like to check out a few of those...
DAM!!!! this came out soo good. Dude love your stuff man, and keep creating. also thanks you for the kind words I really appreciate it!
Wynia this stuff is awesome dude. Hopefully when I make my way down to Cali Ill be able to take one of ur famous classes! Good luck man I know ur gonna kill it!!!
Peace and blessings my child
Fantastic sculpt, man! Love the texture too, nice job!
Hey Bryan,
This came out great!
WOW! When did you add the color version? Is it a paint over or did you do color in zbrush?
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